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Local Listings

Stay Relevant in your Area

Bold Digital Marketing location services can give you the boost you need in local searches, helping your business gain more traction online for less cost! Location Services can help make sure that your local listings are present with the correct information. We do all the heavy lifting: adding missing listings, making sure the most critical information like name, address, phone number, and categories are correct and consistent across our network. Change your information at any time, and we will update everywhere for you, eliminating the hassle of managing passwords and accounts for dozens of different sites.


Target your Community

By using Bold Digital Marketing Location Services, you’re able to add photos, descriptions, and promotions to your listings on each site that we work with. You’re able to inform your customers about specials, new products, important announcements, changing hours, or anything else. By powering up your listings across a multitude of sites, you’re not only able to power up your local SEO -meaning you may populate higher in those critical local searches - you can make that extra visibility work for you.


Boost your Local Searches

Bold Digital Marketing’s Location Services can help your business gain traction in the key local searches that have the maximum impact on your business. Keeping your information consistent across dozens of different directories, review sites, and industry sites means that you’re now in the driver’s seat when it comes to controlling the information about your business online; each of those sites is working as a digital billboard, pointing search engines and searchers to your business across a variety of devices. That means that when a potential new customer is trying to find the services you provide, they can’t help but find you, increasing the odds of capturing that business the first time, and every time after that!

Contact Us to Speak to a Local Expert in Dallas, TX - Call 214.396.3901

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